[ubuntu-uk] Bug 12168 Needs a British English Speaker.

Nick McMahon boredklink at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 09:50:41 CDT 2005

Ralph Corderoy wrote:

>Hi Nick,
>>>http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12168 picks up on some
>>>incorrectly spelt words in aspell's British English dictionary.  I
>>>opened it, and Mark Florian has added a couple more.
>>>It would be nice if a British English speaker could confirm our
>>>spelling and move the bug on from Unconfirmed to New.
>>I'd be happy to take a look at some, but, i have no idea how/where to
>>get started..if someone could point me there ill take a look but iv
>>never done this before..
>Thanks.  If you look at the bug with the URL above you'll see the
>command I ran on my system to show aspell didn't recognise the
>    echo offensive/advisor/panellist/practice | tr / \\012 | aspell pipe
>Try it with a word it does know to see how the output differs.
>    echo test | tr / \\012 | aspell pipe
>The `locale' command I used will confirm you're in an en_GB (English,
>Great Britain) locale.
>If you get the same results, and you agree that the words Mark and I
>have spelt are correct British English, then tick the `Confirm bug
>(change status to NEW)', add a comment giving your view, and hit
>It may ask you to log in to your Bugzilla account at that stage, which
>is a simple case of registering with an email address.  You can register
>and log in beforehand if you prefer.
Tested, i am in en_GB for all
offensive is correct.
advisor should be adviser according to the oxford dictionary, advise, 
adviser, advisroy.
panellist isnt in my dictionary _at all_ however panel only has one L so 
i would spell it 'panelist' but as far as i can help you, its not a word 
at all. - its not in *my* dictionary, it may be in others.
Practise is a verb like learning the drums over and over, practice is a 
noun like a doctors practice - the place where he works

going to fill in the form now.


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