[ubuntu-uk] Bug 12168 Needs a British English Speaker.

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Sun Sep 4 08:08:39 CDT 2005


http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12168 picks up on some
incorrectly spelt words in aspell's British English dictionary.  I
opened it, and Mark Florian has added a couple more.

It would be nice if a British English speaker could confirm our spelling
and move the bug on from Unconfirmed to New.

Incidentally, it seems a lot of bugs, even well-reported ones with
simple test cases, e.g. 12655, sit at Unconfirmed.  I guess this is
because the people with time to fix bugs are too busy fixing ones at New
to take a first pass through all those at Unconfirmed, spotting
duplicates or explaining to the reporter why it isn't a bug.

It seems an obvious thing for volunteers who can only spend 15 minutes
here and there to help out with, but the Wiki had only a little on the
topic.  A quick initial response to a bug report is encouraging to the
reporter who otherwise may not report the next thing they spot.  That
would lose a valuable source of contribution.



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