[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu at Lug Radio Live, show of hands

Paul Sladen ubuntu at paul.sladen.org
Thu May 26 05:33:34 CDT 2005

On Thu, 26 May 2005, Thom Shutt wrote:
> On 26/05/05, John Levin <john at technolalia.org> wrote:

Hello Jon and Thom (we're going to have name collisions with Thom May),

> > Aside from Colin Watson and Jonathan Riddell speaking,

Jono has picked an excellent date that clashes with at least 3 other events
so far;  if I'm in the country I'll be there and if I'm not, who knows.

The same situation is going to crop up at the Linux Expo in London later
this year;  there's an awful lot of people in the UK with a foot in both
the Debian and Ubuntu camps...  Perhaps this would be a good test run to
work out how to work together and not cause anyone to get upset because
people are either to close together or too far apart.

> I'm going! Could probably do a bit at the stall but this is my first
> linux expo so I want to have a good look around. -- Thom

I suspect it'll be a bit smaller than a Linux Expo;  this is being organised
by grass-roots people rather than a commercial company pulling in IBM, HP
and Sun to pay multiples of hundreds-of-thousands!

It sometimes snows here.  London, GB

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