[ubuntu-uk] Introduction and question

Matthew East matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Wed Aug 3 08:23:07 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-08 at 10:01 +0100, Geoffrey Ready wrote:


> My question involves whether this group is the right place for people
> from Northern Ireland to be. It's called "ubuntu-UK" but the website
> (HYPERLINK http://www.ubuntu-uk.org/ http://www.ubuntu-uk.org/) refers
> to "Ubuntu and Kubuntu in Britain". Without getting into the politics
> of the matter, should we be setting up a separate Ireland or Northern
> Ireland group?

Hi Geoffrey, welcome to Ubuntu!

When the group (-uk) was started, the reason we called it -uk was that
we wanted to include all of the UK. In fact this was insisted upon :)

The "Britain" on that link you refer to is probably misplaced! We'll get
it changed...

This doesn't stop you setting up a separate Irish or Northern Irish
group if you think that it would be beneficial! However, you are
certainly very welcome on this list!

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