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<div id="msgset_20792315_singular">Hi<br>
Could someone give the developers in question a reminder about
proper plural formatting? Had a whole batch in the current strings
which just use English plurals:<br>
%d results</div>
Located in src/scopes/ebay.py:521 <br>
(missed copying the singular string name of this one)<br>
<div id="msgset_20792380_singular">(1 result)</div>
Located in src/scopes/sevendigital.py:512 <br>
<div id="msgset_20792381_singular">({} results)</div>
Located in src/scopes/sevendigital.py:515 <br>
<div class="moz-signature"><br>
Cheers :)<br>
-- <br>
<b><a href="http://www.faclair.com/">Akerbeltz</a></b><font
Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon<br>
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437<br>
Facs: +44-141-945 2701</font><br>
<b>Tha Gàidhlig aig a' choimpiutair agad, siuthad, feuch e!</b><br>
Iomadh rud eadar prògraman oifis, brabhsairean, predictive
geamannan is mòran a bharrachd. Tadhail oirnn aig <a