Hallo!<br><br>One of my colleg and me would like to translate kdenlive application.<br>As i found in "Ubuntu: official cource book" translation should be on lounchpad in rosetta project.<br>But. when i try to go to <a href="https://translations.launchpad.net/kdenlive">https://translations.launchpad.net/kdenlive</a> i get meggase " <font size="2">Translation setup needed. </font>You might want to talk with
<a href="https://translations.launchpad.net/%7Elengau">Alex Matthew Lowe</a>, the project registrant, about using Launchpad for
translations."<br><br>Could you, please, give a hint what should i do next?<br><br>P.s.<br>By the way. I fould ru.po for kdenlive-0.5 in the repository of russian ALT Linux<br><a href="http://sisyphus.ru/cgi-bin/srpm.pl/Branch41/kdenlive/getsource/0">http://sisyphus.ru/cgi-bin/srpm.pl/Branch41/kdenlive/getsource/0</a><br>
Can i use it somehow in rosetta? <br><font size="2"><br> </font><br>-- <br>With best regards.<br>Azovtzev Jury<br><br>ForceTeam NNLUG<br><a href="http://www.forceteam.nnov.ru">www.forceteam.nnov.ru</a><br>