ubuntu-release-upgrader package translation is broken

Игорь Зубарев igor.zubarev at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 22:16:57 UTC 2020


I changed some translations in package. Also I downloaded PO from launchpad
to check for broken file. Unfortunately I haven't found any errors in it.
It opens fine.

These strings were translated in 2012 but now they are shown as
untranslated in application. Where are a lot of untranslated strings. I
listed only some of them.

чт, 9 апр. 2020 г., 0:26 Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj at ubuntu.com>:

> On 2020-04-08 22:51, Игорь Зубарев wrote:
> > It seems ubuntu-release-upgrader package translation is broken too.
> How is it broken? A few untranslated strings in one language doesn't
> count as "package translation broken". I see that you just added
> ubuntu-release-upgrader translations to LP.
> What am I missing?
> --
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson
> https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj
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