Translations not yet included in release

Øystein Steffensen-Alværvik ystein at
Tue Sep 10 13:00:03 UTC 2019

You are right, this seems to be an issue specific to Kubuntu. Both 
Ubuntu and Xubuntu live images for Eoan contain the translated strings 
that in Kubuntu are untranslated – *except* for 2 strings: The string 
"Device for bootloader installation:" in package debian-installer 
displays in English (it is translated in Launchpad for Norwegian 
Nynorsk), and dialog buttons for "Yes" and "No" also appears in English.

See screenshots:

> Ok thanks, but it would help if you could test with the Ubuntu live 
> image too. There might be differences between the flavors wrt how 
> translations are dealt with.
> I have talked with Łukasz Zemczak, one of the developers, and he will 
> probably look at it later this week.

Øystein Steffensen-Alværvik

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