Where do we translate indicator-datetime (and family) on Launchpad?

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 4 11:42:01 UTC 2018

Hi Gabor,

Thanks for joining the thread!

On 2018-04-04 11:44, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> This was my doing, in recent weeks I dropped the templates from
> Bionic that are no longer in main - either because they  were removed
> entirely, or just moved to universe.
> I did not check " X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes " in their control files
> (somehow I can't find their packaging branches anymore, like a few
> years back), so they may still export their templates.

Dropping templates without checking "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes" was a 
mistake which caused some confusion and extra work the past few days wrt 

There seems to have been an early decision to keep using the language 
packs for Unity packages, and "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes" was added in 
the artful cycle to most indicator-* packages and some unity-* packages. 
The meaning of that string, besides the fact that it triggers template 
creation at build time, is that the .mo files are stripped and thus not 
shipped with respective package. Consequently, if this hadn't been 
brought to our attention in time (thanks Simos!), the 18.04 release 
would have included Unity with a lot of essential translations absent.

Please note that even if Unity is no longer in main, it was said early 
that it should be possible for those who upgrade to 18.04 from 16.04 to 
keep using Unity, and there is still a unity-session package for the 
purpose. Besides, there is a community effort to keep Unity alive going 
forward, and the meta package ubuntu-unity-desktop is present in bionic.

Sebastien and I have now reactivated the Unity templates with highest 
priority code.

> In total, we are down by more than a hundred templates, many of them
> part of the Unity environment.

To be honest, this sounds scary. An example: A few weeks ago we decided 
to keep using the language packs for fcitx and "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: 
yes" was added, but I just saw that the template was gone. (Have now 
reactivated it.)

Please understand that there are packages not in main for which we 
intentionally use the language packs for various reasons. I can't tell 
exactly which or how many; Sebastien knows a lot more about it than I do.

Gabor, do you possibly have a list with the templates you deactivated?
> This should help us focus on the still supported components, at least
> I hoped so.

We should indeed help the translators to keep focus on the most 
important templates. The Unity templates, which just have been 
reactivated, have far too high priority, and are shown among the first 
templates on respective language's overview. The priority for those 
templates should be lowered.

> Sorry for the confusion - if there is anything I can do to help,
> please let me know.

The list.. to start with.


Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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