Notes about translation of Ubuntu 18.04

Ask Hjorth Larsen asklarsen at
Sun Apr 1 20:05:50 UTC 2018

Hi Gunnar,

2018-04-01 21:25 GMT+02:00 Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj at>:
> Hi all!
> 2.5 weeks left until final freeze, and I'd like to call your attention to a
> few things.
> The translation coverage of the snapd package (the snappy template) is poor
> in many languages. Some issues with the translation template have probably
> contributed to that, but also the fact that the template has had too low
> priority in the Launchpad interface. I have raised the priority, so now the
> snappy template is shown on the first page of the translation overview for
> respective language, for instance:
> It should be noted that Launchpad is upstream for the snapd translations.
> After the switch to GNOME, some of the core GNOME packages are more
> important than when Unity was default in Ubuntu. The GNOME packages are
> translated upstream, and in many cases the upstream translations are simply
> imported to LP and added to our language packs and there is not much to do
> for the translators on the Ubuntu side.
> But..
> Some of the GNOME packages have Ubuntu modifications with translatable
> strings which have to be translated via Launchpad.
> gnome-software
> gnome-control-center
> gnome-online-accounts
> gnome-session

Thank you very much for this useful information.

One question: Is there a way to see, or to know by means of some
public schedule, at what time imports will be done from upstream to
Launchpad?  The idea is to know whether to upload a translation
manually or simply wait for an automatic process.  We can upload our
upstream translations manually, but that's a lot of work when there
many modules.

Best regards

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