Japanese team (reviewer) is not working

BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen. balloonakafusen at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 12:02:03 UTC 2017

Hi everyone in the translation team.

I recently performed Ubuntu flavor Japanese translation, but it is not

For example slideshow-ubuntu-mate has not been reviewed since 2014,
There are many items of Suggestions.

The team has not approved a new reviewer last in 2014.
I still have a name on Pending approval.

It is approved by the local team "Ubuntu Japanese Team".

But this team's meeting has not worked for about 2 years.
https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/IRCMeeting (Japanese)

In this state, Japanese translation of Ubuntu flavors is getting worse!
Can you support this problem?

BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen. (Keiichi SHIGA)
balloonakafusen at gmail.com

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