ubuntu-docs SRU / Xenial translation update

Michael Bauer fios at akerbeltz.org
Sun Jun 19 17:25:27 UTC 2016

PS: if there is somewhere where one can see the langpacks produced for 
each release of Ubuntu, I can count myself but I've looked and not found 
anything obvious so far.


Sgrìobh Gunnar Hjalmarsson na leanas 19/06/2016 aig 17:56:
> It's unclear to me what you are really asking and why. I have nudged the
> translators to complete the translations before the coming translation
> update. One reason is that a few translatable strings were changed post
> release. Why are you assuming that this will affect the number of
> released language packs?

*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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