Ubuntu phones and l10n

Víctor R. Ruiz victor.ruiz at canonical.com
Fri Jan 22 14:01:59 UTC 2016


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:55 PM, Michael Bauer <fios at akerbeltz.org> wrote:
> How are the Ubuntu phones (e.g. Aquaris E5 HD Ubuntu Edition) as regards
> l10n? Do they come with all locales who have a reasonable completion of the
> required files? Or do they ship with just the usual suspects? Anyone know?

  Packs are shipped for languages which have a high rate of
completion. David used to maintain a web page which showed the
completion stats at http://projects.davidplanella.org/stats/wily, but
it's not currently working. Another good page to track completion (and
pending strings) for the phone is this:
https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/ (but does not
track all the apps nor scopes).


Víctor R. Ruiz  | - All this moments will be lost
victor.ruiz at canonical.com | like tears in the rain

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