Translation for Middle East languages / Xubuntu machines for refugees
goto at
Mon Oct 5 09:43:52 UTC 2015
On 10/05/2015 10:01 AM, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 5:15 AM, goto <goto at> wrote:
>> To whom it may concern,
>> I guess you know about the current refugee crisis in Europe.
>> Our club has set up a some machines with Xubuntu for a local refugee
>> camp to allow refugees getting their stuff done.
>> Most of the refugees speak only Arabic, Kurdish or Farsi(Persian).
>> Sadly XFCE is not that good translated and most of the XFCE elements are
>> still not working.
>> We need the translation urgently because the refugees can't use the
>> machines until they learned English or German or the translation got
>> better.
>> We try to encourage local people speaking this languages (and English
>> speaking refugees) to help us translating this stuff.
>> My two questions are:
>> 1) If we tell the people to use the official Site:
>> - How long does it take until we
>> get the translation on out local machines?
>> 2) If we decide to build our own .lo/.mo-files with the translated texts
>> - Can we submit them to the translation project?
> I think the priority is to select an environment, if any, that has an
> existing localisation
> for those languages.
> If you were to attempt to fix the missing localisation in XFCE,
> it would take too much of resources which I suppose you may not have.
Is there any? Out team did choose XFCE because of simplicity and build a
script that creates a "Guest" user. It's kinda ugly hack but it works
for the moment.
> Do you need a desktop environment fully localised or would it suffice to
> have at least
> the visible messages of a browser localised?
> Which distribution comes with the appropriate fonts and writing support for
> the mentioned languages?
> Do you really need Farsi localisation or do you need Pashto (or even Urdu)?
A third of the refugees here speak Farsi. But Pashto and Urdu would be
great for the other Camp.
> Simos
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