Call for translations: Gmail scope

Robert Schroll rschroll at
Wed Nov 26 21:38:34 UTC 2014

Wow!  Once again I'm impressed with your work: nine complete 
translations and three more in progress.  Thanks so much.

I did notice one problem (in the Gaelic translation, though it may be 
in others):  The string "In threads;Individually;Individually with 
snippets", from a settings file, needs to have each component 
translated separately and then joined with semicolons.  (This is a 
silly way to handle things, I agree.)  I think desktop files sometimes 
use this format for a list of synonyms.  If you could double check your 
translations of this string, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'd like to add a translator comment explaining this, but I haven't 
figured out how to add comments to INI-style files.  If you know how, 
please let me know.


On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Robert Schroll <rschroll at> 
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a Gmail scope for this cycle of the app showdown.  It 
> needs your translations, so I've made a product on Launchpad: 
>  There's only 
> 24 short strings, and many of them probably have suggestions from 
> other email clients, so hopefully you can make short work of it.
> Please let me know if you are unclear on the context for any of the 
> strings.
> Thanks in advance,
> Robert

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