Anders Jenbo
anders at
Mon Mar 17 15:37:21 UTC 2014
At the very least it should be possible to host the langpacks and have
it install via a command like the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:skype-langs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install skype-lang-xx
Having it automatically install together with skype would depend on
convincing either the language-pack team or who ever is responsible for
packaging skype for the partner archive.
Den 17-03-2014 16:09, Michael Bauer skrev:
> Yaron,
> Errr... pass? I'm mostly a localizer so I have very little to say on
> what would have to be done to get these into the Ubuntu repos and
> working for all languages, except to explain the current working
> workaround. Sorry, it's not that I don't want to be help with a
> full-fledged solution, I just don't have the skills.
> Regarding the JIRA, yeah they axed everything from the old old system
> when MS bought Skype, including a lot of lang files that were hosted
> on the old forums. We've been in touch with the Skype admins as much
> as possible and the answer (paraphrasing) is that they're fine with
> folk to do these non-official files but that they're not going to any
> development work on making them more workable either. So any solution
> will have to be our own :/
> Michael
> 17/03/2014 14:07, sgrìobh Yaron Shahrabani:
>> That was my attempt:
>> Skype had a JIRA, now they don't, the ticket number is written in the
>> bug.
>> I can extract the Hebrew JS file from the, is it any good?
>> YaronShahrabani
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