Utopic plurals

Ask Hjorth Larsen asklarsen at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 00:30:36 UTC 2014

Hi Michael

I don't quite follow.  The translations page


has a 'bugs' link which goes to


It has a 'report bug' button but no bug.  If you remove /trunk at the
end, there's something which has actual bugs.

Best regards

2014-08-19 1:50 GMT+02:00 Michael Bauer <fios at akerbeltz.org>:
> Ask,
> That takes me exactly to where I was - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu
> with no obvious place to report
> Michael
> 19/08/2014 00:39, sgrìobh Ask Hjorth Larsen:
> Hi Michael
> Generally if you are on the translations page, click 'Bugs' on the top
> (there are Overview, Code, Bugs, Blueprints, Translations, Answers).
> That should take you to the appropriate bug page.
> Best regards
> Ask
> --
> Akerbeltz
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