Uploading po files

Michael Bauer fios at akerbeltz.org
Sat May 25 13:45:12 UTC 2013

25/05/2013 14:24, sgrìobh David Planella:
> Ok, let's focus on sorting this out instead. As I and others have 
> mentioned in the thread, your work is by no means lost, which is the 
> most important thing.
It's not that I was worried about having lost the translations - I keep 
backups of everything. What I *am* concerned about is a loss of 
time/need for re-checking stuff I already checked because, let's say I 
submit the debian-installer again on raring, I have no idea which 
strings changed/were new on raring so I have to check the entire file 
again in case something slipped through.
> On Monday we can figure out more. But as I said before, and to set the 
> expectations: developers are usually not very keen on doing these 
> operations, as they imply sending manual queries to the database.
I filed this bug 
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/1184140  - should I 
turn it into a question?
> Another option that might be easier, seeing that you are doing the 
> corrections anyway, would be to leave the translations in Launchpad as 
> they are (as you'll be replacing them), and remove the Scottish Gaelic 
> language pack from Ubuntu. This way translations would simply not be 
> shipped.
I'd rather start with a clean base - for one thing, it would allow me to 
maintain only Ubuntu specific stuff on LP and the other stuff upstream 
rather than try and juggle the same translations in two places. It would 
also prevent the half-dozen or so bad suggestions from appearing (some 
of them aren't even Gaelic!) for many of the strings, plus I could work 
offline in Virtaal and use my fairly massive translation memory which 
spans strings from over 2 dozen projects.


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