Uploading po files

Michael Bauer fios at akerbeltz.org
Sat May 25 11:47:22 UTC 2013

25/05/2013 12:38, sgrìobh Yuri Chornoivan:
> The new translations should be propagated to all releases, so there 
> are not much things wasted (if at all). This is called translation 
> synchronization. The synchronization works slowly and is not instantly 
> visible.
Thanks Yuri but I'm not so sure - the problem being that the not-so-good 
translator must have worked on a newer branch than I was, so I cannot 
see any of the proofread stuff in whossname, raring and somehow I doubt 
that the system automatically overwrites a translation in a newer branch 
with that in an older branch just because it has a newer date. No, I 
need a blank version to work off, this will get really crazy otherwise. 
If I get a blank, then I can upload the po's I have archived (assuming 
the upload process is capable of matching gettext even if the po's 
aren't 100% identical) and then start from there.

> Each major release has its own name (I constantly forget which name is 
> it so I prefer numbers).
I wonder why :)


*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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