Uploading po files

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Sat May 25 07:21:52 UTC 2013

Al 24/05/13 23:12, En/na David Planella ha escrit:
> Al 24/05/13 23:10, En/na Michael Bauer ha escrit:
>> Yes, I see the upload/import dialogue. It just says awaiting approval or
>> something like that, there is no error message or error email.
>> I made a note of the empathy url before - the po has just disappeared
>> from the queue again with no explanation:
>> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/empathy/+imports
> Hi Michael,
> Can you send us the PO file you're trying to upload?
> Cheers,
> David.

Hi Michael,

I've uploaded the empathy file you sent me. For now, I can still see it
in the imports queue, and I'll keep an eye on it:


However, note that you are uploading for Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric), which
reached its end of life 3 weeks ago. So if indeed it is the case that
translations are not being imported, I suspect this might have something
to do with it.

I'd recommend uploading for an active release, as the translations that
you make there will automatically appear in all other releases thanks to
the message sharing feature in Launchpad.



[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2013-May/000174.html

>> Michael
>> 24/05/2013 21:54, sgrìobh Milo Casagrande:
>>> After you upload a file, Launchpad will show you a dialog (a small
>>> blueish box at the top of the page) with a link to the import queue.
>>> You do not have to check, but it is good to take a look if the file is
>>> there, or why it failed if it failed.
>>> Usually Launchpad sends an email if the upload has problem.
>>> Can you just point to where you uploaded the po file? The Launchpad
>>> page of the translation: the file might still be in the queue.
>> -- 
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