Uploading po files

Michael Bauer fios at akerbeltz.org
Fri May 24 21:10:08 UTC 2013

Yes, I see the upload/import dialogue. It just says awaiting approval or 
something like that, there is no error message or error email.

I made a note of the empathy url before - the po has just disappeared 
from the queue again with no explanation:


24/05/2013 21:54, sgrìobh Milo Casagrande:
> After you upload a file, Launchpad will show you a dialog (a small
> blueish box at the top of the page) with a link to the import queue.
> You do not have to check, but it is good to take a look if the file is
> there, or why it failed if it failed.
> Usually Launchpad sends an email if the upload has problem.
> Can you just point to where you uploaded the po file? The Launchpad
> page of the translation: the file might still be in the queue.

*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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