ubuntu-translators Digest, Vol 104, Issue 23
Michael Bauer
fios at akerbeltz.org
Mon May 20 12:14:24 UTC 2013
I'm not doing this on Google, but yes, the Wiki page has been updated
I haven't had a chance yet to deal with most of the descriptions and
priorities yet though. I've got 4 books I need to work on for
publication this week >.< But I will when I get a chance.
20/05/2013 13:00, sgrìobh ubuntu-translators-request at lists.ubuntu.com:
> Yeah Hannie, I go along with sharing experience and tip. Very useful for
> new teams.
> @Michael, did you update the Google file?
> Cheers
> Ibrahima
*Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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