Re: Question piège: les DDTP doivent-elles être traduites en amont ?

Pierre Slamich pierre.slamich at
Sun Nov 25 17:35:53 UTC 2012


We noticed something strange in the Ubuntu Software Center and DDTP.
Gcompris is not translated in the Ubuntu Software Center but it is
translated in the DDTP by Michael Vogt (ie upstream)
- Translated by Michael Vogt on 2010-03-18,
- Nightmonkey presents gcompris as fully translated:

"Language-oriented games Contain vocabulary, sounds, and voices for Many
different languages, check the gcompris-sound packages for your language."

The string in the Ubuntu Software Center is rewritten and lighter, but does
not match what is in the DDTP. It seems to me that this is the result of
the program of string simplification and correction that took place some
time ago.

"Language-oriented games now Contain vocabulary for too many languages to
list them heres. Sounds and voices are disponible for a number of
languages, check the gcompris-sound packages for your language."

The modified version does not look available to translation for a few
packets, those which have been modified. So if we translate them, it might
serve upstream if the manual sync as suggestions is done but definitely not
ubuntu as we use a custom version. The question is why these modified
strings are not translatable. This looks like a bug. Is that indeed one ?


Pierre Slamich
pierre.slamich at

2012/11/25 Pierre Slamich <pierre.slamich at>

> [17:49] <teolemon> gcompris a pas l'air traduit
> [17:49] <teolemon> effectivement
> [17:50] <teolemon> mais la chaine que me présente Enrico
> [17:50] <teolemon> est réecrite
> [17:51] <teolemon> Language-oriented games contain vocabulary, sounds,
> and voices for many different languages; check the gcompris-sound packages
> for your language.
> [17:51] <teolemon> VS
> [17:51] <teolemon> Language-oriented games now contain vocabulary for too
> many languages to list them heres. Sounds and voices are also available for
> a number of languages, check the gcompris-sound packages for your language.
> [17:51] <teolemon> certaines chaines
> [17:51] <teolemon> pas toutes
> [17:51] <teolemon> ont été réecrites pour la logithèque
> [17:51] <teolemon> si mes souvenirs sont bons
> [17:53] <rickero> ah, donc on perd la traduction d'origine parce que
> quelqu'un a fait des changements dans ubuntu?
> [17:53] <teolemon> ce qui m'étonne, c'est que la version modifiée ne soit
> pas dispo à la traduction
> [17:53] <teolemon> je pense
> [17:53] <teolemon> sur quelques paquets
> [17:53] <teolemon> donc si on traduit, ça servira à amont
> [17:53] <teolemon> mais pas à ubuntu
> [17:54] <teolemon> la question, c'est pourquoi ces chaines modifiées ne
> sont pas traduisibles
> [17:54] <teolemon> c'est a priori un bogue
> [17:54] <teolemon> qu'il faut signaler
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