Who speaks Frist: Human or Computer

goof at coppernet.zm goof at coppernet.zm
Mon May 7 15:52:29 UTC 2012

Good point Tom. That is most important for the software developers to keep in mind so the user does not get continually interrupted by tasks not really needed at that point in time ;). 


From: "Tom Davies" <tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk> 
To: goof at coppernet.zm 
Cc: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com 
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 5:14:05 PM 
Subject: Re: Who speaks Frist: Human or Computer 

Hi :) 
For me one of the big advantages of Ubuntu and other Gnu&Linux systems was that it puts the user back in control of their machine. 

In Windows, irrelevant pop-ups grab control and force the user to stop whatever they were doing in order to deal with tasks that Windows decided it wanted the user to do. 

I think it's important to continue showing this radically different relationship between man (or woman or child) and machine. 
Regards from 
Tom :) 

--- On Mon, 7/5/12, Dennis Baudys <thecondor at arcor.de> wrote: 

From: Dennis Baudys <thecondor at arcor.de> 
Subject: Re: Who speaks Frist: Human or Computer 
To: goof at coppernet.zm 
Cc: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com 
Date: Monday, 7 May, 2012, 14:44 

Am Montag, den 07.05.2012, 15:27 +0200 schrieb goof at coppernet.zm : 
> Hi Dennis 
> So in German, you just state an action to be performed as a way of 
> avoiding the use of Du or Sie? 

Yes. »Du« will _never_ be used. »Sie« will be avoided wherever possible 
(with very few exemptions like dialog prompts and user instructions in 
manuals etc.). 

> When you see a menu item "Datei öffnen" does it give a sense that the 
> human expects the computer to Open the file while the computer quietly 
> goes ahead and carries out the request? 


> Is there a distinction with social 'behaviour' in this manner of 
> acting such that the people expect that this is only ok if dealing 
> with a computer? 

Correct. People do not talk like this to each other. This is only used 
in interactions with machines (however this is a high standard that not 
all translators of Software besides Ubuntu follow in the wild). 


Dennis Baudys 

email: thecondor at arcor.de 
GPG key-ID: E4A9FB08 
fingerprint: CB9A 86FF 1C20 0426 3912 
0276 3A78 E23F E4A9 FB08 

Prüfer im deutschen Ubuntu-Übersetzer-Team 

launchpad: ~thecondordb 

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