Localizing Ubuntu Documentation images

Hannie Dumoleyn lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Fri Jan 20 08:22:16 UTC 2012

Op 19-01-12 11:59, David Planella schreef:
> Hi all,
> In a conversation with other translators yesterday, the subject of 
> localized images in Ubuntu Docs came up.
> We were wondering how to make it easier for everyone to be able to 
> provide images in their language, other than starting to submit branch 
> proposals to the Ubuntu docs bzr branch (not everyone is familiar with 
> bzr).
> One idea that came up was to set up an Ubuntu One share with the 
> content of the upstream branch's ubuntu-help folder, i.e:
> ast/figures
> az/figures
> bs/figures
> C/figures
> Once the documentation string freeze is over, we could open the share 
> and translators should only need to:
> - fetch the source images from C/figures
> - create their localized images
> - copy then to their <locale>/figures folder
> Then once the NonLanguagePackTranslationDealine is reached, we could 
> submit a merge proposal against the upstream ubuntu-docs branch with 
> the contents of the share.
> I believe this would make it easy for translators to provide the 
> localized images (just copy images to a folder instead of dealing with 
> Bazaar) and easy for members of the docs team to include them (just 
> need to accept a single merge proposal).
> If you all think it could be a good idea, I'd be happy to set up the 
> share and organize all the rest.
> Let me know what you think.
> Regards,
> David.
Hi David,
I think this is an excellent idea.
It reminds me of the way we work at the Ubuntu Manual.
there is a folder Screenshots/en with all the screenshots for the 
English version.
And here, http://ubuntu-manual.org/quickshot, translators can use the 
tool Quickshot to capture translated screenshots and upload these 
Have a look at it, and see if it is of any use to you.

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