Localizing Ubuntu Documentation images

Dennis Baudys thecondor at arcor.de
Thu Jan 19 16:17:04 UTC 2012


I also find localized screenshots and images is a very good idea.

Am Donnerstag, den 19.01.2012, 08:10 -0800 schrieb Dylan McCall:
> On Jan 19, 2012 7:00 AM, "David Planella" <david.planella at ubuntu.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Al 19/01/12 15:44, En/na Hendrik Knackstedt ha escrit:
> >> If this works, will it be possible to do something similar for the
> >> ubiquity slideshow screenshots or is there already another way to
> >> translate those?
> >>
> >
> > The approach itself would work, but I'm not sure if ubiquity
> slideshow itself is set up for image localization.
> >
> > I assume it wouldn't be too complicated to set up, but I haven't had
> a look at the code. Would anyone be up for looking at it?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David.
> Yep, it wouldn't be trouble, and it would be absolutely lovely.
> However, I need to be really careful about adding stuff to the ISO,
> and localized images could get really big really quickly. It would be
> a shame to get a bunch of localization done and then need to pick and
> choose due to space limitations.

As far as I know, the ISOs for Precise are already oversized so they do
not fit on a standard CD anyway! That's why I don't see so much a
problem with storing localized images on it.

> So, as well as localized images, the slideshow needs to get those
> images from somewhere on the Internet. I could possibly get away with
> using my people.ubuntu.com, but I think the ideal would be a
> collection of files near ubuntu.com itself. At any rate, the web
> people (or the people with the keys) will need to be involved
> somewhere.
> I'll be on irc this weekend (and Friday) so maybe we can chat about it
> then. I'm a smidge fuzzy on the details, but that can be fixed :)
> Dylan
> PS: Sorry about the duplicate message, David!


Dennis Baudys

      email: thecondor at arcor.de
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