Localizing Ubuntu Documentation images

Hendrik Knackstedt hendrik.knackstedt at t-online.de
Thu Jan 19 14:44:16 UTC 2012

Am 19.01.2012 13:43, schrieb David Planella:
> Excellent. Just to see if the idea works, I've added you guys to the 
> share, so that you can modify it. You should have received an e-mail 
> and your Ubuntu One folder should contain the share once sync'ed.
I've uploaded 3 localized images to your folder in /de/figures.

If this works, will it be possible to do something similar for the 
ubiquity slideshow screenshots or is there already another way to 
translate those?

It'd be really great if it was possible to translate the ubiquity 
slideshow too because it's the first thing a new user sees when 
installing Ubuntu and it looks kind of odd if the slideshow is not 


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