Brainstorm for translations accomplishments for the Ubuntu accomplishment system

Kenneth Nielsen k.nielsen81 at
Wed Feb 29 22:33:31 UTC 2012

Hallo fellow translators.

As some of you may have noticed Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community 
Manager, has started a project called the Ubuntu Accomplishments System. 
The general idea is that users can be awarded trophies when they 
complete a particular accomplishment. This purpose of this system is to 
give new users a sense of accomplishment, when they are contributing to 
the community, and at the same time (and most importantly) make it easy 
for them to discover and learn about the different ways they can 
contribute. You can read more about the project on Jono's blog[1]

Jono is hard at work on the implementation, but what is missing now is 
accomplishments. We think it could be great if there were some really 
good translation accomplishments right from the beginning and therefore 
we have started a brainstorm on this wiki-page[2] to find potential 
accomplishments. Please feel free to add any ideas for translation 
related accomplishments you can think of and also we would like some 
feedback on the suggestions, here on the email list.

A note for when you are coming up with suggestions, is that it is 
important that there is something of a learning experience in the 
accomplishments. Therefore, doing a lot of a particular task, e.g. like 
translating a string, is not a good accomplishment for this system (even 
though it is of course still an important contribution.) You can read 
more about good and bad accomplishments on Jono's blog[3].

Regards Kenneth


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