Translation of KDE Extragear and Calligra on LP

Yuri Chornoivan yurchor at
Thu Apr 26 14:56:21 UTC 2012

написане Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:35:17 +0300, Hendrik Knackstedt  
<hendrik.knackstedt at>:

> Thanks for the information!
> To have an overview over packages that need translation for the first
> language pack update coming soon, it would be great if translations for
> those packages, which are not used, could be disabled.
> Regards
> Hendrik

Ok. Then some more to the list:

Generic Ubuntu:
gutenprint (upstream at TP, LP translations will never be used as most of  
them break the package because of 80 char limit, the translation should be  
tested with internal script first)
all ISO packages (translations form LP will not be used)
all binutils packages (bfd, bintutils, gas, gold, gprof, ld, opcodes).  
Because of the bug (already fixed upstream, but not in Ubuntu) your  
translations will not be used.
grub (only translations from grub-debconf will be used, the rest LP  
translations will be ignored)

amarokcollectionscanner-qt (not imported from upstream for unknown reason,  
very long message, waste of time, because it is likely translated upstream)
skanlite (not imported upstream)
all Kubuntu docs (do not fit CD image, there is any will from authors to  
collaborate with translators (unfriendly package))

> Am 26.04.2012 10:07, schrieb Yuri Chornoivan:
>> Hi!
>> As it was said by leading Kubuntu maintainer [1], Kubuntu 12.04 will not
>> use LP translations for at least Calligra.
>> Some other KDE extragear translations that are not used:
>> akonadi-kalarm-resource (not an Extragear, but was not imported)
>> amarok
>> choqok
>> konversation
>> qapt-deb-installer (from Muon suite)
>> solidcontrolnm09
>> It seems that Ubuntu translation maintainers are too busy now, so these
>> templates (along with Calligra) were not disabled.
>> If you like sexy green bars, you can import translations from KDE
>> upstream, but it's just a matter of green bars now (translations will
>> not be used). ;)
>> Best regards,
>> Yuri
>> [1]

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