1. Polish translations in Xubuntu 12.04 (Micha? Olber)

Marcin GTriderXC gtriderxc at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 21 14:05:57 UTC 2012

Thanks for a bug report. I have now an horrible job without a computer and Internet access so I'm translating at the moment very little. But always any bug reports are taken very seriously and corrected immediately. Just report a bug through Launchpad so that I had an exact information about the bug and didn't have to search for it. My life now is a nightmare. I hardly find time to check my e-mail. I'm gonna check the ubiquity in a few secs and try to correct the mistakes You wrote about.

 From: "ubuntu-translators-request at lists.ubuntu.com" <ubuntu-translators-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com 
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: ubuntu-translators Digest, Vol 91, Issue 25
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Today's Topics:

   1. Polish translations in Xubuntu 12.04 (Micha? Olber)
   2. Keyboard shortcuts overlay text too long - Affects over 20
      languages    (IMHO) (Eduard Gotwig)
   3. Schedule for Precise language pack updates? (Jeremy Bicha)
   4. Re: Schedule for Precise language pack updates? (Kate Stewart)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 15:43:06 +0200
From: Micha? Olber <michal.olber at osworld.pl>
To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Polish translations in Xubuntu 12.04
Message-ID: <4F90166A.6050704 at osworld.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

I want to say, that in Xubuntu 12.04 in polish language there is some 
letters bugs, like hibernate session - zahiberuj sesj?. It should be 
zahibernuj sesj? :)

Where I can fix this annoying bugs? I translate in officially transifex 
Xfce 4.8 and Xfce 4.10 :)


Micha? Olber

Mobile: +48.793.724.907 | e-mail: michal.olber at osworld.pl
The Camels S.C. | Gorkiego 10/12 m.64, 92-525 Lodz, Poland
www.osworld.pl | redakcja at osworld.pl | NIP: PL728-266-32-34

OSWorld.pl - to ma?y ?wiat wielkich system?w!
Artyku?y, Nowo?ci, Linux, Open Source 24h.

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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 15:51:43 +0200
From: Eduard Gotwig <gotwig at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Keyboard shortcuts overlay text too long - Affects over 20
    languages    (IMHO)
    <CAE3uxtvNRQeqrBcY5nL5G-bnhh9XTJhoO4i1fKzi2jcU00Y-zw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I want to inform you translators that the deadlines for translating Ubuntu
is nearly there, and I don't think that this bug is going to be fixed in
this short time.

So I recommend you to cut your text strings for the super key ubuntu unity
overlay to MAXIMAL 47 charackters . ( see
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/924840 )

Here are the templates :

Please search for the right strings

The German Ubuntu Translator Team did that.
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 22:36:58 -0400
From: Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at ubuntu.com>
To: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com>,     Ubuntu
    <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>,     David Planella
    <david.planella at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Schedule for Precise language pack updates?
    <CAAajCMaEqpyMq+6swfhWCqmUZ44Ty_O+RCQAGwV5h7DNzTE3sA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Now that the final language pack for the Ubuntu 12.04 release images
has been built, it's time to start thinking about how future language
pack updates will work.

There's a whole list of ubuntu-docs bugs from the past few weeks
(found by the Ubuntu translators - thank you!). I'd like to move
ubuntu-docs back into soft freeze so that we can fix these. David, did
you want to propose a schedule for when ubuntu-docs should go back
into hard freeze and when the first post-release language pack will be

And I think the final language pack schedule should be either added to
or at least linked to from



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 22:03:03 -0500
From: Kate Stewart <kate.stewart at canonical.com>
To: Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at ubuntu.com>
Cc: Ubuntu <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>,    Ubuntu Doc
    <ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Schedule for Precise language pack updates?
Message-ID: <1334890983.2012.2123.camel at veni>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On Thu, 2012-04-19 at 22:36 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> Now that the final language pack for the Ubuntu 12.04 release images
> has been built, it's time to start thinking about how future language
> pack updates will work.
> There's a whole list of ubuntu-docs bugs from the past few weeks
> (found by the Ubuntu translators - thank you!). I'd like to move
> ubuntu-docs back into soft freeze so that we can fix these. David, did
> you want to propose a schedule for when ubuntu-docs should go back
> into hard freeze and when the first post-release language pack will be
> built?
> And I think the final language pack schedule should be either added to
> or at least linked to from
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule

Yes.  Let's tie this into the 12.04.1 plans and dates on the
ReleaseSchedule,  so we can aim at getting the documentation polished up
and translated before we put out the 12.04.1 release.

Jeremy,  if you could put a first pass of the dates for the 12.04.1
Docs-freeze,  and allow an double size window for the translator
deadline, that would be appreciated.   We'll plan on scrubing it and
finalizing it at a UDS session on 10.04.1 planning.



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ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com

End of ubuntu-translators Digest, Vol 91, Issue 25
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