Translations deadline approaching: useful translation resources

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Apr 4 08:22:16 UTC 2012

Al 04/04/12 10:11, En/na Simos Xenitellis ha escrit:
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:09 AM, David Planella
> <david.planella at> wrote:
>> Al 04/04/12 04:51, En/na Jeremy Bicha ha escrit:
>>> On 3 April 2012 07:21, David Planella <david.planella at> wrote:
>>>> Ubuntu docs translations
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> I'm hosting the translated HTML version of the Ubuntu docs and updating
>>>> it daily with Launchpad translations here:
>>> That website isn't working right. In both Firefox and Chromium, my
>>> browser tries to download pages to my Downloads folder, instead of
>>> just displaying them like normal webpages.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeremy
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> Thanks for the feedback. You might be hit by the same issue the Danish
>> team was:
>> Localized pages are served as <pagename>.html.<languagecode>, as per the
>> <languagecode> sent by the browser when requesting the html page. I've
>> noticed that for some language codes, the server uses the extension to
>> guess the MIME type and serves them as a file whose MIME type matches
>> that extension, instead of just text/html.
>> I believe I've fixed it for Danish, Polish and Turkish now, but any
>> confirmation by someone from those teams, or any help from someone with
>> more Apache experience will be very welcome!
>> Which language have you got set in your browser preferences?
> For our case the language code is 'el' which gets confused for Lisp
> scripts or something like that.
> The browser shows the message that it tries to download an 'MS file
> (2.5 KB)', though.
> Simos

Thanks for the feedback Simos. I've explicitly defined el, pl, tr and da
now, so that they are not interpreted as files other than text/html.

Would you mind trying to go to and seeing if it
works for you now?



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator / /

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