Call for Natty language pack update testing

Anders Jenbo anders at
Tue May 17 14:06:44 UTC 2011

Den 17-05-2011 13:51, David Planella skrev:
> El dt 17 de 05 de 2011 a les 10:33 +0200, en/na Kenneth Nielsen va
> escriure:
>> Just a reminder for everyone. Tomorrow (May 18.) at 1400 UTC is
>> (Natty) language pack testing deadline. So if you have made changes in
>> your translations since release, that you would like to see sent out
>> as an update, then remember to test the package and sign off on it.
>> Regards Kenneth
> Thanks a lot Kenneth for the heads up!
> The Catalan team will be providing feedback by tomorrow, as we were
> waiting on a bug fix that just got applied today to the language pack in
> natty-proposed.
> Also I've noticed that the Dutch team has tested the language packs and
> left some feedback. Just a quick note that if you put 'no' to the page
> means that you consider the bugs you've found as critical enough to not
> justify a language pack update. So if you can live with the bugs and
> would still like to get the language pack update (and benefit from the
> post-release fixes and additions) please consider if you'd rather put
> 'yes'.
> Also to the Dutch team - could you report bugs for the following points
> you added to the test page, so that they can be tracked and fixed?:
>        * LibreOffice Writer/Calc/Impress/Draw should be translated
>        * Menu items Firefox>  Help not translated
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> David.
I don't seam to be able to open the Date & time settings after enabeling 
proposed on a Danish system. I'll try one where i only install the 
langpack updates onc I get home later today.


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