Merging po files

Redmar redmar at
Sat Oct 30 10:20:51 UTC 2010

Hello Translators,

I have recently translated xscreensaver to Dutch in Launchpad and would
like to submit my translations upstream. The upstream version of
xscreensaver contains more strings than the one in Launchpad, and is
partly translated.
What I would like to do is the following: Merge the Launchpad (shorter)
po file into the upstream po file, such that translations form the
Launchpad po file ALWAYS replace translations done in the upstream po

I found on the web that 'msgcat' should be able to do this, but after
reading the man and experimenting I have not been able to make this

msgcat from_LaunchPad.po upstream.po -o output.po --use-first

does use the translations from LP over those upstream, but the
resulting .po file has ~1000 extra strings compared to the bigger input

If someone could tell me how I can combine these two po files I would be
very happy.


Ubuntu Dutch Translators
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