Announcing Ubuntu Translations Interviews

André Gondim andregondim at
Tue May 25 00:20:04 UTC 2010

Hi all,

This is a great idea!!

André Gondim
E-mail: andregondim at
OpenPGP keys: C9721403

2010/5/21 David Planella <david.planella at>:
> Hi translators,
> One of the topics we discussed at UDS was to raise awareness on
> translation teams and on the general Ubuntu translation effort within
> our community.
> One of the ideas that came up was to prepare a set of interviews with
> translation team coordinators and to publish them on the Planet or
> related Ubuntu channels.
> We've come up with a list of questions and I'd like to ask you for your
> help in answering them, so soon we'll be contacting you guys for
> interviews through e-mail. When you receive the e-mail, it would be
> great if you could include a picture of yourselves or of your team if
> you want to. Also, if you feel someone else in your team should do the
> interview instead, feel free to forward it to him or her.
> This is a great opportunity to let other people know about your
> translation effort and get more help in areas where your language needs
> it. I'm very excited about this and I'm sure it's going to be awesome.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> David.
> --
> David Planella
> Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
> david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> ubuntu-translators at

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