fsck messages through Usplash

Gabor Kelemen kelemeng at gnome.hu
Mon Apr 19 19:44:56 UTC 2010

Iñigo Varela írta:
> Hi translators,
> Since grub has now become translatable, it seems that the only strings
> untranslatable are:
> "Filesystem checks are in progress (xx)%" and "Press ESC to skip". (it
> happens during Usplash)
> I have found in this bug something relating to this:
> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/207387 
> Gabor Kelemen says in comment #4: "Those were fixed yesterday in bug
> #390740 :)"
> But I've followed the bug, and I can't see the way to translate them.

On the other hand, it does not seem to work - I tried to put the 
translated .mo to the usual place, but nothing happened.
Could somebody test it? Perhaps it's just me... "sudo tune2fs -C 500 
/dev/yourrootdevice" should help trigger the check :).

Gabor Kelemen

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