Changes to strings in update-manager

Milo Casagrande milo at
Sun Sep 20 21:02:04 UTC 2009


2009/9/18 Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielsen81 at>:
> It was my general understanding that the development codenames, i.e.
> "Karmic Koala" or whatever, were in fact only development codenames
> and that they should therefor not be used in any sense as soon as the
> distribution is released. At that time the distribution _becomes_
> "Ubuntu 9.10" and that is the name that should be used.

I'll re-up this thread. Any other ideas on how we can modify that string?

I'm of the same idea of Kenneth: code names should be used until the
very moment of the release.


Milo Casagrande <milo at>

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