Ubiquity slideshow translation deadline extended

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 16 11:27:22 UTC 2009

Hi translators,

As recently discussed, and due to a late UI freeze exception for the
Ubiquity slideshow [1], a separate exception for translations [2] has
been requested and granted.

This means that the deadline for accepting translations in the Ubiquity
slideshow [3] will be the 22nd of October, coinciding with the
LanguagePackTranslationDeadline milestone [4].

If you've got any questions, feel free to ask.

Happy translating!

[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/452889
[4] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule

[ Also published in
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+announcements (Feed:
http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/announcements.atom) ]

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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