Proposed string freeze exceptions

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Oct 5 19:52:49 UTC 2009

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Milo Casagrande <milo at> wrote:
> 2009/10/5 Matthew East <mdke at>:
>> There may be a misunderstanding here - we're not suggesting that the
>> translators should be doing the reviewing after the string freeze.
> No misunderstanding Matt, but looking at things now, looks like
> translators are doing the reviewers. And am not saying it is wrong,
> but that it is the wrong period. And the errors that are arising right
> now, the kind of errors, IMHO, should have been caught earlier

Yep, I agree and that's exactly what we're trying to fix by this discussion.

>> The reason I picked on translators in this part of the email
>> isn't because I want to overburden translators, it's just because we
>> get a lot of high quality bug reports from translators immediately
>> after string freeze, and I'd like to find a way to encourage that to
>> happen earlier.
> The only thing I'm thinking of, in order to have the maximum of two
> goals (update and correct documentation, and complete translations),
> is to try to enforce some kind of freeze on new content written and
> start a review process before entering string freeze.

Yes, I think it's a good idea. I think that we basically agree!

Matthew East
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