Ubuntu Translations Meetings

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 19 09:39:50 UTC 2009

Hi translators,

One of the things we talked about in the translations roundtables at the
last UDS was about having better communications and a more transparent
translations process.

I'd like to make Karmic the best release in translations so far, and I'd
like people to be able to meet and discuss anything related to Ubuntu
translations in real time.

The idea is, if there are any translations issues (imports not working,
critical upstream/downstream translation bugs, new packages for
translation, etc.) we can talk about them in a more fluent way and catch
them early in the process.

Or if you've got any suggestions or ideas related to Ubuntu
translations, they are also always welcome.

With this in mind, I've kicked off regular translation meetings on
#ubuntu-meeting every two weeks, starting on the 2nd of July:

      * WHAT: Ubuntu Translations Meeting
      * WHERE: #ubuntu-meeting
      * WHEN: starting on Thu 2nd Jul 2009 15:00 UTC, every two weeks on

One of the first topics on the agenda will be the opening of Karmic
translations, but feel free to add more topics you'd like to discuss.

I'm looking forward to seeing you there!



David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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