Upload trasnlation

Milo Casagrande milo at casagrande.name
Wed Jan 21 12:25:26 UTC 2009


Il giorno mer, 21/01/2009 alle 09.43 +0100, henning at ubuntu.com ha
> On 20/01/09 21:36, Bfaf Montero wrote:
> > I would like to ask is it possible to send to you a finished
> translation of "Internet" part of help docs in Ubuntu Docs?
> >   
> Hello,
> thank you for taking the time to translate Ubuntu Documentation. The
> question of how to proceed now is not so much a technical question but a
> question of the approval procedure. The people on the ubuntu-translators
> list should be able to help your here, so I have copied your post to
> that list.

If you would like to upload a new file for the translation of the
Internet documet of the Ubuntu Documentation, just head here (this is
for intrepid):


choose your language and then from there you can upload a new PO file. I
suggest you to keep in touch with the Ubuntu translation team for your
own language.

Anyway, if your language is not listed there, you should use the Answers
system and ask there to set it up for you.

Hope this can help.

Milo Casagrande <milo at casagrande.name>
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