HEADS-UP! URGENT! Major problem with translations for Hardy and Intrepid.

Kenneth Nielsen k.nielsen81 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 09:22:43 UTC 2009

2009/1/16 Arne Goetje <arne at canonical.com>
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear translation team leads,
> we have a major problem with translations in Hardy and Intrepid which
> needs your attention NOW!
> It turns out that several translated msgstrings contain format strings
> (i.e. %s, %d, etc.) where the msgid doesn't, or the number of format
> attributes in msgstr and msgid does not match.
> This causes several applications to crash!
> We treat this as a severe regression and security issue which needs
> urgent attention.
> We have prepared a list of potentially affected files (attached) and
> need you to check all of those for this type of error and fix them
> immediately.
> We cannot build new langpacks with those faulty strings present in the
> database.
> Please see the attached list, investigate and fix the faulty strings.
> When finished, please report back which languages you have fixed.
> I cannot stress this enough: this is a severe regression in stable
> releases. Please mobilize all resources to help fixing this problem.
> Thanks a lot!
> Arne

Hallo Arne

I'm pretty sure that this is a Launchpad issue and not a problem with
the upstream translations*, so this should be fixed by fixing whatever
flaw is in LP and reimporting and not by having us working overtime.

Regards Kenneth Nielsen

* The reason I believe that this is a LP issue is that I for one thing
can see one gnome translation in the Danish list that I know does not
contain any errors and second there is also one from the translation
project, where it s simply not possibly to commit if the file is not
in order.

PS: Please forward to the list as for some reason my email bounces

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