Ubuntu and language packs

Siegfried-Angel siggi.gevatter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 14:36:50 UTC 2009

2009/2/5 Loïc Martin <loic.martin3 at gmail.com>:
>> Firts, I don't understand why "language-support-translations-XX"
>> install a package(s) "thunderbird-locale-xx-XX" when Ubuntu don't
>> install thunderbird mail client by default...  Ubuntu uses evolution
>> as mail client, non?
> It's due to the way translations are handled in Ubuntu (and probably
> other distributions). For packages in main repositories, all program
> translations for one language are grouped in a single support package

This doesn't make sense. "thunderbird-locale" is a separate package,
so your answer hasn't anything to do with the original question.

About English being installed by default, I am not sure but aren't the
strings in the original language already available in the binary files
themselves (eg, isn't it those which you see when using LANG=C)?

Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
Ubuntu Developer. Debian Contributor.

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