No KDE upstream translations imported to Rosetta?

Arne Goetje arne.goetje at
Tue Sep 23 16:59:35 UTC 2008

Jannick Kuhr wrote:
> If nothing changes within the next few days, Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex will 
> be released almost without any form of acceptable i18n and also with the 
> worst i18n of all important distributions. I18n issues and a very low 
> priority of fixing them (of cause also due to a lack of man power) have 
> a large tradition in Kubuntu, but the current problems are the worst in 
> the history of the Rosetta/Launchpad. This is a very sad situation, 
> especially for the upstream translators who spent a lot of time bringing 
> the kde4 translation to perfection for this very important release. 
> Since Dapper Drake the german upstream KDE translation team always tried 
> to help Kubuntu/Cananical to figure out the problems of Rosetta 
> regarding KDE's i18n and we also had people - not even using Kubuntu - 
> in the german Kubuntu translation team to care about the translations. 
> We did this just to avoid that our users have to suffer from the 
> deficiencies of the Ubuntu translation process using Rosetta. The very 
> bad situation for the first real KDE4 release and the obvious lack of 
> interest in fixing these issues badly disappoint us and caused us to 
> decide that we will completely stop our engagement in the Kubuntu 
> translation project from now on.

As it has been stated already in another thread on this list: the
problem you see is with the import script, which marked all KDE4
packages as 'need review', because they are new. This means that someone
has to review the import queue and manually (!) assign proper domain
names to each template to get them approved. Further more there was a
communication problem between the Rosetta and Ubuntu teams about the
queue management. There is work going on as we speak to batch approve
all outstanding templates and upstream translations. We will let you
know when it's done.

Thanks for your patience.


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