Regarding extras strings in Ubuntu version of fast-user-switch-applet (translation teams be aware)

Kenneth Nielsen k.nielsen81 at
Sun Dec 14 12:37:05 UTC 2008

Hallo Ubuntu translators

I have recently been made aware of something that worried me a little
bit. It seems that some Ubuntu developers have made an addition to the
fast-user-switch applet to let it also control the shut down, log out
etc. actions and to show and switch presence information for your IM.
This, in my opinion, is a great addition. But now begins the fun!

Because of the whole gdm version selection (badness 10000) that have
been ruling GNOME and Ubuntu for a year now or more, the devs decided
that it would not be worth it committing these changes upstream, since
for this FUSA change they use the old version of gdm or whatever, and
therefore this implementation of these changes will soon be obsolete
anyway. This I can understand, then problem arises then because the
new strings that have been added to FUSA is then only available for
translation in LP. The result of all of this is, that we now have 7
extremely visible strings, located _only_ in a translation in LP that
is number 236 on the prioritized list of translations. This package is
a part of the GNOME desktop and therefore, if the translation team
have that translated fully upstream, most will generally expect it to
be allright in Ubuntu as well.

My whole point being, when making such a construction, some sort a
notification would be prudent. If such a notification have already
been made then please disregard this e-mail.

To the rest of the translation teams I will say, remember to have a
look at the FUSA package in LP, even though you have it fully
translated in GNOME

Regards Kenneth Nielsen

PS: I was first made aware of the history of this change by accident,
when I was, for the forst time ever, browsing through the GNOME planet
and stumbled on this this blog entry made by Ted Gould: for that reason I have
CC'ed him to this mail.

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