Next Launchpad users meeting 2007-05-02 16.00 UTC

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at
Thu Apr 26 12:39:21 UTC 2007

There's another Launchpad Users Meeting coming up this Wednesday 2nd
May. It’s the ideal time to tell the Launchpad team what you think, to
ask for help and to make feature requests.

Add your question, comment or suggestion to the agenda and I’ll rally up
the relevant members of the Launchpad team to talk to you.

Look forward to seeing you.

      * Where: #launchpad,
      * When: 16.00 UTC 2nd May 2007
      * Why? To talk directly to the Launchpad team.


Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
mrevell in #launchpad,

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