any way to get noticed about "need-review" and see untranslated compilation

mikel paskual mikel.paskual at
Sun Apr 8 00:26:28 UTC 2007


this was really silly from me (I should have figured it out)

ok. This way, I can also somehow see if there's
any "need-review", when I order by date (right now, I'm the only official
translator for my language)

thank's a lot. This will help.

On 4/8/07, Erdal Ronahi <erdal.ronahi at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4/7/07, mikel paskual <mikel.paskual at> wrote:
> > 2- get a list of not completely translated packages (going page by page
> and
> > trying to wonder if the progress-bar is complete is not handy)
> I am using this as a workaround. Replace ku with your language code:
> Erdal
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