Updates to packages

Og Maciel og.maciel at gmail.com
Mon May 15 14:06:23 UTC 2006

Hi guys,

I wanted to ask those responsible for updating the strings to be
translated for their respective packages, to drop us a line here so
that we can take the proper actions.  I say this because I lost track
of how many times I had to go back to the Ubuntu and Kubuntu Desktop
Guides to work on new strings that were added.  Once we finish
translating a package, it is very hard to notice if one or three new
strings were added.  Today I decided to check the Kubuntu Guide and
noticed 3 new strings...

Can someone forward this to any pertinent list as well?


Og B. Maciel

ogmaciel at ubuntu.com
ogmaciel at ubuntubrasil.org
og.maciel at gmail.com

GPG Keys: D5CFC202

http://www.ogmaciel.com (en_US)
http://blog.ogmaciel.com (pt_BR)

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