Published paper copies of Documentation

TURPIN Benoît benoit.turpin at
Mon Jun 5 09:20:22 UTC 2006

Matthew East a écrit :
> Hi all,
> As promised, we have made all fully translated guides available to buy
> as books on the Ubuntu Documentation Project store [1]
> [1]
> Some of you will find that your translations are not there. The reason
> for this is likely to be (in order of likelyhood):
> 1. The translations weren't complete by the time the documents were
> frozen for dapper - if you finish the translations, we will add them at
> a later stage.
> 2. Your language (like Russian, Polish) uses a font which isn't provided
> by the serif fonts I used, if that is the case, read my previous email
> and send me information about what script/font your language uses.
> 3. An error by me. If so, let me know.
> ##################
> ##################
> All those of you whose translations are on the store - please download
> the pdfs and check them for any major errors. In particular, the Korean
> and Chinese translators should make sure that I've matched the correct
> covers and titles to the correct books (I can't read those languages
> very easily).
> Thanks!
> Matt

There are 3 majors errors in the French documentation (Ubuntu Desktop 
Guide), changes have been made the day you published the final package 
(see java 1.5 section) :
- 2 grammar mistakes
- 1 untranslated string
It's ok in Rosetta but you have to update the documentation.


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