What do you want in your translation summary page?

Robin Sonefors ozamosi at blinkenlights.se
Sun Apr 16 16:52:21 UTC 2006

lör 2006-04-15 klockan 21:06 +0200 skrev Jan Claeys:
> Op vr, 14-04-2006 te 14:20 +0200, schreef Jordi Mallach:
> > I think it should be possible to have a look at the specific strings a
> > user has translated lately, so they can be reviewed in a per-user
> > basis easily. 
> Currently, one has to manually copy and paste proposed translations by
> candidate translators, which is really time-consuming, so an easy/fast
> way to approve and/or copy proposed translations would be great too...
A quene of suggestions would be good to have for accepted translators
and/or admins. This would make sure that everyones suggestions really
gets accepted, and the need to accept new persons would decrease - it
would still be trivial to include their translations as soon as they
have passed through someone else.

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