[ubuntu-tr] Press release on Kurdish Ubuntu?
Deniz Koçak
lenduha at gmail.com
1 Ara 2006 Cum 09:35:18 GMT
Gönderdiğim e-posta metni aşağıdadır.
Firstly, thanks for your interest.
I heard that some members of the team are preparing a press release
> about the issue with the Kurdish translation.
Yes its true and its not directly related with Kurdish translation of
Ubuntu, but its about a misunderstanding in a new ** which was published in
a Turkish newspaper. Lack of information and the sentences used in the
newspaper shows Ubuntu as the first Kurdish software.Moreover they said that
thay give the name Ubuntu to this new Linux based software. :)
Is this true, and if so, I
> would be grateful if we could work together on it before it goes out,
> just so the message is just right. :)
We would like work with you and thanks for your cooperation.
Thanks everyone - if you could respond directly to jono AT ubuntu DOT
> com, I would be grateful. Thanks!
> Jono
** http://www.milliyet.com.tr/2006/11/28/son/sontur31.asp
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